Guardians of the Flavor: Tips for the Proper Storage of Wine

The wine, born of the harmony between nature and the human skill, it is more than a drink; it is a manifestation of the time and the patience. For those who appreciate the complexities of this elixir, the proper storage becomes a sacred task. As guardians of the taste, the way we collect our bottles determines its evolution, ensuring that each mouthful is a delight to the senses.

Imagine a quiet corner, where the temperature is constant, the humidity perfectly balanced and the darkness envelops each bottle is like a cloak. This is the ideal scenario to preserve the unique character of each wine. So, we go on the journey of exploring the essential tips to become custodians experts, ensuring the integrity and quality of our treasured bottles.

The wine, a silent witness of history and culture, deserves a shelter at the height of his legacy. In this journey, we will discover the keys to maintaining its essence unchanged, since the optimum temperature to the importance of the position of each bottle. A meticulous care that goes beyond just storage; it's a tribute to the connection between the past and the present, between the vine and the palate.

So, we embarked on the exploration of how to convert our storage space in a treasure chamber, where each bottle becomes a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle of wine. Because to be guardians of the taste is not only a responsibility, but an honour; it is to preserve the essence of the wine to continue narrating his story in every sip, at every meeting we shared.

In this article, we break down the secrets of proper storage, guiding you towards the creation of a sanctuary for your wine. Welcome to the world where the care and passion to be mixed up, and each bottle becomes a testimony to timeless art of winemaking!

El almacenamiento del vino es una tarea fundamental para preservar y potenciar sus características únicas. Más allá de simplemente apilar botellas en una despensa, cuidar el entorno en el que reposa el vino es esencial para garantizar su calidad y sabor a lo largo del tiempo. Aquí te presentamos consejos prácticos para convertirte en el guardián perfecto de tus valiosas botellas.

1. The Importance of Temperature: The most critical factor in the storage of the wine is the temperature. Keep your bottles in a cool and constant, ideally between 10-15 °C (50-59 °F). Temperature fluctuations can damage the wine and accelerate its premature aging.

2. Humidity-Controlled: The storage of wine requires a level of humidity suitable, ideally between 60% and 75%. Low humidity can dry out the cork, allowing the entry of air and ruining the wine. On the other hand, excessive moisture could generate mold and mildew on the labels and caps.

3. Darkness: The direct light can be detrimental to the wine, as it accelerates the process of aging. Store your bottles in a dark place or use shelves opaque. If the bottles have direct exposure to light, considered to be wrapped in opaque paper.

4. Orientation of the Bottles: Save your wine bottles horizontally, especially if they have cork. This keeps the cork wet, keeping it dry and allow the entry of air. Bottles with screw caps or synthetic can be stored vertically without problems.

5. Prevent Vibration: The wine is sensitive to vibration. Avoid storing your bottles near appliances noisy, or in areas prone to movement. The vibrations can disturb the sediments and negatively affect the flavor of wine.

6. Away from Strong Odors: The wine is porous and can absorb odors outside. Store away from strong chemicals, cleaning products, and other items with strong smells. This will preserve the purity aromatic wine.

7. The Golden Rule: Cools and Serves: While it is crucial to store wine at the proper temperature, it is also essential to serve it at the correct temperature. Chill white and sparkling wines before serving, and allows wines to breathe a bit before you enjoy them.

8. Invest in Professional Storage: If you are a wine collector or you have bottles of great value, consider investing in professional storage. The air-conditioned wine cellars offer ideal conditions and allow you to keep your collection in perfect condition in the long term.

Al llegar al final de nuestro viaje por el arte del almacenamiento del vino, nos encontramos no solo con consejos prácticos, sino con un recordatorio de la responsabilidad y el honor que implica ser un auténtico guardián del sabor. Cada botella de vino, al ser cuidadosamente resguardada, se convierte en un testamento a la paciencia, al arte y a la rica tradición que ha atravesado los siglos.

This journey has led us to understand the delicate dance between the temperature, humidity, darkness, and the position of the bottles. We have learned to respect the sensitivity of the wine against vibrations and smells invasive, and how the choice of an adequate storage space can make the difference between a bottle and a treasure exceptional.

By becoming the guardian of flavor, we have assumed the task of preserving not only the quality of each bottle, but also its history and unique character. Each wine, from the young and fresh to the age-old and complex, it deserves to be shielded by devotion, by allowing their virtues to develop and disclose in its maximum expression.

Beyond being mere containers of liquid, our warehouses have been transformed into temples of the wine, where each label tells a story and each bottle contains the essence of their terroir. In this act of care, we not only celebrate the present, but we contribute to the legacy of this art centennial, ensuring that future generations can also enjoy the richness of these elixirs carefully guarded.

Thus, we concluded our trip with a cup on top, providing for the dedication and the love we have poured into every detail. Each bottle, now protected in sanctuary, waiting patiently for the moment that your bobber is disgorging and its contents, a symphony of flavours, will be appreciated. Be guardians of the flavour is more than a responsibility; it is a commitment to the preservation of the magic contained in each bottle of wine. Let each sip to be a tribute to the mastery of the storage and the pleasure timeless to enjoy a good wine!

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